Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Sometime People Will Not Remember Their Words

I was knowing someone for almost 8 years. Knowing him at the level that I can say I know 80% of him. Well, if you say you 100% know your bf, I just can laugh at my heart with a sign LOL.

When we were in University, we always talked about that minah kilang from I***n. Both of us were doing our industrial trainning in a nearby factory. We were about to complete our Engineering Degree. From our discussion, I know that he doesn't likes and get irritated with all minah I***n. He looked down on them because of their low mentality and attitudes.

Guess what?? After 3 years working as an engineer in high reputation German's factory;

One fine day, I was browsing my Facebook and I saw his relationship status 'in a relationship with...' with few pictures of them. It was quite easy for me to spot that I***n look. Very typical look with their trademark jeans (I don't know what kind of jeans but they always use it). I was in a non gravity earth for a while where I couldn't feel my foot on the floor. Really shocked. Someone I knew for years who claimed he hate this species suddenly now in love with them and he didn't feel shame to show the world his I***n. He broke up with the girl few months later. But hey...he found another love from the same species.

That is the proof that sometime people will not remember their words. May be we 100% believe what they say today because they really mean it at the moment, but always keep in mind that human are forgetful and human can change by time.


Chii said...

org bilang, klu benci sangat, nanti satu hari suka tu.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha... Tuhan balas terus direct di dunia. Tak boleh juga meninggi diri dengan apa yang ada.

Avocado said...

org bilang komen...tapi post kau yg ini saya suka..bagi kesedaran..hehe

Dyana said...

betul jg pun dulu ckp tdk mo org sabah.hrmm...makan dulu la tu kata2.haha

Dyana said...

ya Jun.tidak boleh tinggi diri.nnt kena balas :)

Dyana said...

yup karma kali.termakan balik kata2

beaty said...

sentiasa terjadi begini ni d..memng ada terjadi tu..dia ckp inda mau..sekali tekena juga..Karma kan?

Dyana said...

eya.enda buli jg telampau kan

Anonymous said...

hahaha..i've been that situation also.I am not racist but yg 1 ne sy rs kelucuan btul time dgar drg bcakap, loghat dorg. sy suka tiru2 cara drg bckp n laugh bout it..Masa tu sy study d twu. But then guess what, sy terkapel dgn org dari bangsa tsebut!!. ok.padan muka sy..hahahaha

arlen said...

Should be really careful about things we said.Takut nnt termakan blk kata2 sendiri.

Grace said...

Oh, remember my recent post? now i start to be

Aki said...

you'll eat on what you say.. :D.. he he he.. biasa tu gitu can kes?? :D..

kay masingan said...

hmmm..nah kena hati2 lah lepas ini kan..ingatan utk diri sendiri juga ni..hehehe.

yg penting jangan terlampau kasi tingu kalau x suka..hehehe. Oh saya kena hati2 ni..

Va Va Voom said...

Nahhh betul tu pun setuju sangat!~ mesti mau berfikir sebelum cakap..sekali terkena sendiri merana :)

Dyana said...

sumtime kena blk dgn kita kan.ash,kalo minta sampel pegi ja kaunter ckp mo minta sampel apa

Dyana said...

yup!w/pun kita menyampah sgt tp mgkn lebih baik simpan dlm hati kan

Dyana said...

ya ada kwn2 sy yg sgt alim skali duluan lg dorg convert

Dyana said...

yalah aki,diam2 la kan

Dyana said...

sy pun beringat jg ni.enda telampau benci or telampau kasi tunjuk kebencian

Dyana said...

hehe..Flo ingatan utk diri sendiri jg kan.mcm selalu terjadi baini.hari ni kita ckp tdk mo,skali esok hati tiba2 ckp ya.mcmna laitu.hahaha

Wen said...

aik..dia bkapel lg sama pmpn I***n ?? adehh.. seriously, susa ba mau percaya yg dia bole suka pmpn gtu.. bila ingt muka, gaya n career dia punya la unbelieable.. ba pa bole buat la kan..

p/s; sekali suda rasa, mesti mau lagi..heheheh.. *lain pula ni ayat*

Dyana said...

hmm..unbelievable kan.his life la

Rose Flower said...

sama lah peribahasa menuding satu jari tapi 3 jari lagi menuding balik sama kita. Yup people forget and change!!! good post sebagai peringatan bersama....

Dyana said...

balik berganda2 kan ros.eya peringatan utk diri sendiri jg ni ros

Nik said...

sebelum bercakap kena fikir dulu kan.,takut kita yg berkenan nnt..hehe
ni kes dah terkena la ni.
nice entry.peringatn untuk diri sendiri :))
sebab tu tak nak benci org lebih2.nnt kang jatuh sayang.

Anonymous said...

Too bad he failed to appreciate a 8-year relationship. I believe he'll realize what he's been missing one day when he reflect on the past. But when that happen, it'll be too late already.

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