Sunday, 29 January 2012

Cherry Restaurant

Haippp...I think I found another favorite place to dine in. Siuk sini...Cherry Restaurant. The environment looks like cosy place or starred hotel's restaurant but hehe...not that cosy. It is a restaurant owned by Cherry Club at Inanam. Very convenient place. They have own parking space inside the club. No need to pusing2 kepala cari parking. The security guard will acts like a jockey to find parking for you. Siuk kan...Most important the food itself :)

 Chinese Tea Ping

 Shark Fin Soup (RM13 per pax)

 Vege (RM8)

Lemon Chicken (RM15)

For sure this going to be my favorite spot to dine in :)

Friday, 27 January 2012

Q&A: My Makeup Story

Its like a revenge for being so silent and hiding from blogging world for so long. I  write more entry. 

Just now I strolled around on youtube beauty community. Well, its a hobby for me. Gain more knowledge about beauty. I saw this questions which is inspired me to blog out here. source

1. How old were you when you started wearing makeup?
18. After secondary school, I started to feel free to attempt  anything out of school rules.

2. How did you get into makeup?
Some older girlfriends. Inspired by their makeup made gorgeous looks.

3. What are some of your favorite brands?
I don't have specific brand to list down. Its what I need and suit me become a consideration.

4. If you could only wear 4 products on your face what would they be?
BB cream (with spf)
Lip Balm

5. What does makeup mean to you?
Beauty Accesories

6. What is your favorite thing about makeup?
Enhance confidence and personality.

7. What do you think about drugstore makeup vs high end makeup?
I usually go on with drugstore makeup. Its cheap of course. What I need is just a little bit enhancer for my bold look. And its nothing to do with price. As long as I like or comfort with the product. 

8. What is one tip of advice you can give to a beginner?
REMOVE makeup with makeup remover! It is more important than putting on all the chemical dust on your skin. Non removed makeup will clog the pores and causes blemishes.

9. What is one makeup trend you never understood?
I think I'm not able to answer this since I'm not really updated with makeup trend. I wear makeup on what I think best for my look. One thing I always put on my mind about makeup is "LESS IS MORE"    

10. What do you think about the beauty community on YouTube?
I really.. really owed them! They taught me a lot about beauty. I wish I read and watch their video when I was 12. Thanks to Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty. I love them sooo much..


I spent my holidays with this;

It took about 1-2 hours for neck section beading (depends on the patern). Need a lot of patient and passion to complete the task.

This look like a sakura theme I think. Didn't planned it. I bought some colored beads and usually what I planned is not what the outcome will appear. Main hantam saja...

Just a simple beading for my new baju kurung. As long as it pop up a bit my attire.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

What Caused By A Maniac?

I'm not sure if some of you noticed for Dyana Diary's invisible mode in blog atmosphere. I did it for about 2 weeks. I privatized my blog and even decide to delete it for good. Some friends did asked through my Facebook about this blog. That was when I still have my FB. Yup, I had delete my FB account last week. All these done just because to protect myself from that MANIAC (if you happened to read my previous entry).

He hacked my personal details from everywhere through internet. He text-ed me ' I know everything about you. Its easy to find you'. I considered that sms as a threat and I keep that sms just in case I have to make a police report. If that maniac happen to read this, please keep in your head that I'm not making a silly jokes when I said I want to bring this matter as a police case. Yes..I mean it. I'm sick with you!

I love this blog even this is just a nut blog but I put my effort on every entry. That is why I re-open Dyana 's Diary to public. But I had delete some personal entries. Half of my entries to be exact. Thats a lot! But I don't want some people with serious thinking, crazy head or bad intention digging up that personal. That is called MANIAC.

I will blog as usual ladies....

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Domo Boy 2

Scene 1
Teacher Soju sedang menulis di papan. Si Domo Boy pegi dekat sana papan then tanya macam2 soalan tidak logik. Teacher Soju suruh duduk dengan suara yang agak keras sebab si Domo Boy enda mo dengar. Respon si Domo Boy...

Domo Boy: Napa cikgu jahat sudah. Dulu cikgu baik.

Scene 2
Cikgu Suzuka bagi nasihat kepada si Domo Boy. sekali bilang dia...

Domo Boy: Boleh ka cikgu diam? Sakit telinga saya dengar (dengan suara manja ni)

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Warna Mengikut Hari

Dikatakan jika kita memakai baju mengikut frekuensi warna pada hari tersebut akan menambahkan aura dan tenaga kita. Saya tahu benda dari seorang pensyarah dan beliau memang mengamalkannya.

Isnin (Putih)
Warna putih mempunyai tenaga luar biasa untuk memulihkan tenaga dan mood pada hari Isnin yang agak suram dan bosan di tempat kerja.

Selasa (Merah Jambu)
Hari Selasa sering dikaitkan dengan sesuatu yang kurang baik seperti terlalu emosional, cepat marah dan sebagainta. Warna lembut seperti merah jambu mempunyai aura yang romantis dan mampu menyeimbangkan emosi.

Rabu (Biru)
Biru adalah lambang penyembuhan serta dikaitkan dengan keberkesanan komunikasi. Ia memberi kesan komunikasi yang baik nescaya segala-galanya berjalan lancar pada hari tersebut.

Khamis (Kuning / Jingga)
Warna ini adalah warna yang penuh godaan yang membara, ceria, daring dan dikaitkan dengan warna sensual wanita. Ia menjadikan wanita lebih menggoda.

Jumaat (Hijau)
Hijau adalah lambang ketenangan jiwa dan kedamaian.

Sabtu (Merah)
Pilihan warna merah menyemarakkan mood di malam minggu untuk bersuka ria.

Ahad (Hitam)
Hitam mempunyai azimat untuk menyimpan tenaga sepanjang enam hari. Ia ibarat mengecas semula tenaga untuk memulakan hari baru pada minggu berikutnya.

Terdapat 7 warna yang mempunyai frekuensi aura berbeza sepanjang minggu. Jika kita memakai warna yang bertentangan ibarat berjalan melawan arus maka ada sahaja kesukaran dihadapi :))

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Domo Boy

Its a story about newcomer Year 1 pupil in my school.

Scene 1
Domo Boy: Sir, I don't like you in my class. You are fat!!

Scene 2
Domo Boy asked permission to go to the washroom during class but actually he went to meet the headmistress to complaint.

Domo Boy: Teacher Soju has been so long in my class.She insist to go out.

Well, it suppose to Teacher Soju's period  but this Domo Boy is very demanding. He thinks he can simply ask any teacher to go out from the class. Not only demanding but also 'talam 2 muka'. Once Teacher Soju's period ended,

Domo Boy: Teacher Soju, please don't go. I like you!   (muahahahaha)

Scene 3:
Domo Boy: Teacher Bon, why are you still teaching? You are old and going to die soon.

The school has just started in 3 days and this 7 years old Domo Boy has started demanding bla bla bla...

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